
About dbschema information
About dbschema information

about dbschema information

My motivation stems from an interest in the sociotechnical practices of archaeology, viewed as purposeful activities centred on material traces of past human presence. Īs a “grand challenge” for digital archaeology, I propose the adoption of programmatic research to meet the challenges of archaeological curation in the digital continuum, contingent on curation-enabled global digital infrastructures, and on contested regimes of archaeological knowledge production and meaning making.

#About dbschema information manual#

The approach we developed at DCU and applied in the CARARE (Connecting Archaeology and Architecture for Europeana) and LoCloud (Local Institutions in an Europeana Cloud) projects, was based on providing automated and manual curation affordances to end users, including the semantic enrichment (i.e., temporal identification, thesaurus enrichment, reverse geocoding and spatial translation) of heterogeneous XML schemas relevant for the representation and resource discovery of heritage data, using Metadata & Objects Repository (MORe) to curate of records representing architectural and archaeological heritage assets and related digital resources aggregated for access through the Europeana digital library (). on data from the Roman Port Networks Project aims to integrate them semantically in a single information system with the help of domain experts through " a prototype package targeted specifically at archaeologists that enables them to produce valid, globally-integrated RDF from unnormalized excavation data with minimal technical knowledge ", allowing archaeologists to map their data into a common schema. As Nicole Beale points out, even " open data projects such as Open Street Map (Hagen 2011) have demonstrated that ownership of data can be regained by communities through the process of combining many datasets and creating something new ", quite like the added value of leveraging the geodata services of initiatives such as Pelagios to " remix " previously unassociated datasets, and, according to Kansa, the annotation of linked data with common ontologies. Investigators working with the Central and Western Anatolian Neolithic Working Group to integrate and publish twelve archaeological datasets using the Open Context web-based archaeological recording system note that most data contributed by archaeologists were in Microsoft Excel format rather than in a relational database. This situation is typical of the people that Leif Isaksen and his co-workers, seeking to integrate semantically legacy excavation data from the Roman Port Networks Project of the British School at Rome, identify as " microproviders " : individual academic workers and creators of personal webpages, typically " having a single-purpose dataset that they are willing to contribute often personal details or research ". Producing archaeological data from the bottom-up or " in the wild " – i.e., outside the top-down discipline of a custodial, centrally designed and managed information system – brings forth particular challenges for ex post facto archaeological data digital preservation and access.

About dbschema information